Making Europe a Wilder Place

A pioneering approach to nature recovery

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Staffan Widstrand

Making Europe a Wilder Place

A pioneering approach to nature recovery

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Making Europe a Wilder Place

Learn why we trust nature to manage itself

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Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe

Making Europe a Wilder Place

Learn why we trust nature to manage itself

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Making Europe a Wilder Place

Be inspired by Europe’s wildlife comeback

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Jari Peltomäki / Wild Wonders of Europe

Making Europe a Wilder Place

Be inspired by Europe’s wildlife comeback

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Making Europe a Wilder Place

See how rewilding can boost local economies

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Making Europe a Wilder Place

See how rewilding can boost local economies

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Making Europe a Wilder Place

Join the growing rewilding movement

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Making Europe a Wilder Place

Join the growing rewilding movement

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More hamsters released on the Tarutino Steppe

September 25, 2024
The Rewilding Ukraine team are engaged in long-term efforts to create a wilder and healthier Tarutino Steppe. The ongoing reintroduction of European hamsters will help to restore local food webs, enhance biodiversity, and boost nature-based tourism.
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Rewilding Europe moves to a new home

September 18, 2024
Rewilding Europe has just moved to a new head office on the outskirts of Nijmegen, which has fittingly been named "Wild Quarters". Surrounded by nature, this new and inspiring space is the start of a new chapter for Rewilding Europe, positioning us well to accelerate the scaling up of rewilding across Europe.
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Second marmot release boosts thriving population on the Tarutino Steppe

September 5, 2024
Two groups of steppe marmots have just been released on Ukraine's Tarutino Steppe, which is part of the extended Danube Delta rewilding landscape. Boosting the thriving population of marmots already here, the 18 animals will help to create a healthier, more functional steppe environment.
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The Rewild Podcast finishes on a high

September 23, 2024
Over the last 18 months, James Shooter's Rewild Podcast series has broadcast sounds and stories from rewilding initiatives across Europe. Showcasing rewilding's hopeful narrative, his hugely engaging productions have attracted legions of faithful listeners and inspired many to become more involved in nature recovery.
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Rewilding efforts go large in the Southern Carpathians

August 28, 2024
Home to some of Europe's most spectacular nature, the Southern Carpathians of Romania have huge rewilding potential. In 2023, the Rewilding Romania team took steps to expand their efforts and impact across the landscape and beyond.
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Ponds support wildlife comeback in the Velebit Mountains

June 26, 2024
Geological conditions mean surface water has always been relatively scarce in Croatia's Velebit Mountains. Changes in land use and climate are now making it even scarcer. This blog by Rewilding Velebit Communications Officer Kruno Bošnjaković explains how the local rewilding team are helping Velebit wildlife by providing reliable and safe sources of water across the landscape.
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We are selecting large pioneering areas in Europe, where we are working with our local partners to make our vision a reality.
We hope this provides inspiration for hundreds of other rewilding initiatives, all across the continent.

Rewilding impact stories

The European rewilding movement has come a long way since Rewilding Europe was founded in 2011.
A series of  feature stories examines how the impact of rewilding has grown over the last decade.

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